After purchasing your plants, we suggest you hydrate them as necessary by sitting the pots in a tub of water for 30 mins, then draining. Water every 2 or 3 days depending on weather, as the soil dries and the pots lose weight.
Planting Out Our plants are hardened off and ready to plant out. For best results, remember to:
remove all weed competition before planting;
Dig a hole and position the seedling where the soil will be level with the base of the stem. n.b. Older plants with matured, woody stems may be planted deeper, without risk of stem rot, to improve planting success. See our Long Stem Planting Guide for more information.
either add a teaspoon of slow release fertiliser designed especially for native plants (eg Osmocote for Natives) into the soil which will refill the potting hole, or refill with a low phosphorous potting mix specific to native plants;
Firm the soil down around the plant and water with a dilute Seasol solution and wetting agent to bed the soil around the roots, and to give the plants a boost to minimise transplant shock and stimulate root growth.
Mulch well.
Provide any relevant protection for your seedling in its new environment. Tree guards provide protection from rabbits. Construct enclosures for kangaroo, livestock or frost protection, and fragile plants in windy areas may benefit from staking.